There are an abundance of different diet options out there and some people experiment with diets and see what works for them. However, how do you know if your diet is working for you or if it’s time to change your diet?
There are many reasons people change their diet. They might have a spiritual enlightenment and decide to become vegetarian, vegan, or fruitarian. They might want to lose weight and try a low-carb or a wheat-free diet. Or they might want to cleanse their system and experiment with a detox diet. But which diet is right for you?
When you change your diet, you should consider how you feel when you’ve been consistent with your new healthy eating pattern for a substantial time period. You may think you’re eating healthy, but you actually may be causing more harm to your body than good. I practice a vegetarian diet, but lately I’ve considered improving the diet based upon my energy level. Is your healthy diet actually healthy for you? How do you know if it isn’t working for you?
4 Signs That Your Diet isn’t Working:
1. You Are Binge Eating
After eating vegetarian meals with lot of fruits and salad, some people may find they crave sweets and sugar. What your body really wants is more acidic foods because of the overconsumption of alkaline foods or too little protein.
To help balance out your diet, eat some acid-forming foods such as beans and grains. If you aren’t attached to your vegetarian diet, organic poultry and fish could also be options for healthy eating.
2. You Feel Depressed or Tired
The goal of a new diet should be to help increase your energy. Often, people will transition from the standard American diet or may begin to eliminate processed meats because they feel sluggish.
Eating too many contractive foods such as grains, beans, meat, fish or poultry can make you feel sluggish and cause headaches; however, an excess of expansive fruits, vegetables, and herbs and spices may also contribute to your lack of energy. Eat meals with both expansive and contractive foods to maintain consistent energy levels. A lack of healthy fats such as legumes, avocado, and olive oil can also cause depression.
3. You Have a Sour Taste in Your Mouth
The feeling of having a bad taste in your mouth often relates to feelings of regret and remorse. This is appropriate because without you realizing it, your body regrets your current food choices.
Too much meat and potatoes could contribute to that issue. Acidifying foods such as meat, root vegetables, grains, and beans can leave a sour taste in your mouth when you wake up in the morning. Including more leafy greens and fruits would be a positive healthy eating practice.
4. You Can’t Concentrate
Your diet shouldn’t cause any health problems. If it does, a diet change may help give you balance. An excessive raw food vegan diet, for instance, can lead to lack of concentration, depression, brittle hair and nails, excessive weight loss, and a spaced out feeling.
If you’re not satisfied with your mental health, taking proper supplementation and ensuring you are getting all your nutrients may help correct negative symptoms of your diet.
When you feel you are ready to change your diet, that’s when you’ll change. If your healthy eating isn’t making a difference, you might decide to consult a nutrition professional to figure out why you’re not healthy while eating healthy food.
Colbin, A., Food and Healing (Toronto: Random House, 1986), 204-227.
Gelman, L., “8 Clear Signs that You’re on a Bad Diet,” Reader’s Digest web site; http://www.rd.com/slideshows/8-clear-signs-that-youre-on-a-bad-diet/#slideshow=slide8, last accessed Feb. 7, 2014.
Patenaude, F., “5 Warning Signs Your Diet Isn’t Working,” Frederic Patenause web site; http://www.fredericpatenaude.com/articles/5warningsigns.html, last accessed Feb. 7, 2014.