Photo credit: Splash News
Many people take dietary supplements to improve their health, but according to Cameron Diaz, there might be better alternatives.
Diaz is mostly known for her starring roles in Hollywood films, like Charlie’s Angels, but the actress recently wrote a book on anti-aging and healthy living, called The Longevity Book.
With her new interest in health, Diaz is exploring how we can better avoid the ravages of aging and improve our health as we grow older. What is one of her main beliefs? That we shouldn’t rely on dietary supplements for our health.
Diaz says that our reliance on taking “pills” is what causes a lot of health problems, as it allows us to not pay attention to what we’re eating. She believes that we are better off getting our nutrition from the foods we eat, focusing on eating healthy diets full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients.
According to Diaz, eating healthy has improved how she feels, giving her more energy, making her body feel like its running more smoothly, and even clearing up her acne.
In fact, Diaz wasn’t always a big health advocate. Growing up, Diaz ate a lot of junk food, eating cheeseburgers, onion rings, and French fries regularly. She even admits that, in her high school years, she would eat two Taco Bell burritos almost every single day.
It was only when she changed her diet that Diaz began to see big changes in her body. She says she looked better after eating more nutritious foods and that her self-image improved too.
However, Diaz also believes there are other important lifestyle changes that can increase our longevity and help us live longer lives, such as regular exercise. Diaz does cardio every single morning. Her book explores longevity, using research and personal experience to explain how we can improve our health.
So if you’re hoping to increase your life expectancy or would like to maintain a healthy Cameron Diaz-sized weight (or as close as possible)—don’t solely rely on dietary supplements, add more nutrition to your diet, and start working out.
Sources for Today’s Article
“Cameron Diaz On Nutrition And Weight Loss,” Gyms.com, http://gyms.com/cameron-diaz-on-nutrition-and-weight-loss, last accessed June 24, 2016.
Leonard, A., “Supplements, Religion & Mortality: 9 Questions for Cameron Diaz,” Blue Zones, May 11, 2016, https://www.bluezones.com/2016/05/cameron-diaz-supplements-religion-mortality/.