Deadpool Star Ryan Reynolds’ Superhero Diet and Workout Routine

Ryan Reynolds’ diet plan for Deadpool— Marvel’s immortal antihero with enhanced regenerative powers that keep him alive— is super healthy and prepared him to play the role. Ryan Reynolds’ workout schedule also had him gain seven pounds of muscle to fill out Deadpool’s lean and muscular body.

Ryan Reynolds’ diet and exercise plan must always be on top of its game whether the 39-year-old plays the hero or a comic book character. Ryan Reynolds also played Hannibal King in 2004’s Blade Trinity, Wade Wilson/ Weapon XI (aka Deadpool) in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and the Green Lantern in the 2011 film of the same name.


Ryan Reynolds’s training routine and physique is different for each comic book movie role. For instance, the 6’2 Reynolds added 25 pounds of mostly muscle in only three months for Blade: Trinity.

Ryan Reynolds’ Workout and Fitness Routine

What was Ryan Reynolds’ body workout for Deadpool and his other superhero roles? Ryan Reynolds’ gym workout will focus on one to two body parts a day. First, Ryan Reynolds’ fitness routine for Blade: Trinity included two to three-hour workouts for six to seven days weekly, along with fight combat training. Reynolds also hired trainer Bobby Strom to prepare for the Blade movie role.

The Blade workout routine would start with 20 minutes of core work using decline sit-ups, hanging leg lifts, cable chops, Swiss ball crunches, abdominal wheel exercises, and decline bench body bar twists. Strom also used a variety of other training equipment and workout methods, including plyometrics, lower body workouts, upper body workouts, TRX suspension training, BOSU ball exercises, resistance band exercises, kickboxing, yoga, rowing, bench presses, shoulder presses, pull-ups, lunges, squats, and deadlifts.

Ryan Reynolds’ gym workout was a little different for Deadpool. Reynolds hired celebrity trainer Don Saladino, and in preparation for the character, Reynolds trained for seven months to gain seven pounds of pure muscle.

The workout consisted of exercises to activate his leg, shoulder, back, chest, and arm muscles. Some of the workouts included squats, lunges, leg presses, pull-ups, sumo deadlifts, machine rowing, dumbbell curls, and dumbbell pullovers.

Ryan Reynolds’ Diet and Healthy Lifestyle

What is Ryan Reynolds’ diet and nutrition plan? For Blade: Trinity, Reynolds says his muscular body was due mostly to nutrition, and he ate every two to three hours. To put on that much muscle he was required to consume 3,200 calories daily. Reynolds followed a high-protein, low-carb diet with plenty of vegetables.

Want a sample of Ryan Reynolds’ diet for Blade: Trinity? For breakfast Reynolds had two eggs with some almond butter, a slice of avocado, and a cup of oatmeal with applesauce. Snacks would include a protein bar, protein shakes, apple, and almonds. Lunch was an Albacore tuna wrap or chicken salad, while dinner was broiled chicken or fish, vegetables, brown rice, and salad. In addition, Reynolds used supplements like a multi-vitamin, whey protein, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), L-glutamine, and creatine.

How was Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool nutrition different? Reynolds’ nutrition plan was a gluten-free diet. Foods like chicken, eggs, tuna, shakes, protein bars, veggies, nuts, and brown rice were once again the majority of Reynolds’ diet. The gluten-free diet also included millet, buckwheat, arrowroot, amaranth, quinoa, and teff.

Gordon, J., “Ryan Reynolds Workout: Blade and Deadpool,” Just Go Fitness website;, last accessed Aug. 19, 2016.
Malik, A., “Deadpool Star Ryan Reynolds Workout & Diet,” Asrar Malik website, Aug. 2, 2016;



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