Eat Healthy — Not Boring—for National Nutrition Month

This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month is “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right”. The concept behind this message is that eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring; rather, it encourages us to relish the flavors of each meal, enjoy food traditions, gatherings and social experiences. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shared some key messages to help Americans enjoy healthy food decisions this month:

5 Ways to Incorporate Healthy Eating!

Eating (and savoring) healthy, nutritious meals isn’t a solo project—it’s important for everyone to get involved, from your family to your community. A few ways to get others involved include:

  1. Invite the author of a nutrition book to speak to your school, workplace or book club.
  2. Ask a restaurant chef/chef from a local culinary school to conduct a “healthy” cooking demonstration at your group event.
  3. Contact your local library branch and schedule a story time that focuses on books about healthy eating and nutrition.
  4. Organize a food donation campaign for a local shelter. Encourage donations that are healthy and nutritious.
  5. Eat more family meals together for the remainder of this month. Make mealtime fun! Ask each family member to try a new exotic fruit or vegetable each day.

Healthy Eating Outside the Home

When eating out at a restaurant, make sure to stick to your healthy eating schedule. Avoid eating processed foods and opt for seafood and fresh salads (without the dressing). Ditch the sugary beverages and opt for water and pure fruit juice. Add veggies as a side dish instead of fries. For dip, try a light hummus.

Sources for Today’s Article:


“Happy National Nutrition Month®! Savor the Flavor of Eating Right,” Live Smart Ohio web site;, last accessed March 11, 2016.  

“36 Ideas to Get Involved in NNM,”, January 1, 2016;



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