Photo Credit: Splash News
Have you ever wondered what Ellie Goulding’s workout plan is like? Goulding shared an abs workout video on Instagram last week that involved cardio moves to target her core. Hey, now we know why Goulding’s abs are so sculpted.
Goulding’s gym workout looked pretty intense, but all of her hard work is definitely paying off. The British singer frequently posts pics of her workouts throughout social media, and according to a recent interview with Look Magazine, her healthy lifestyle her feeling stronger than ever.
Ellie Goulding Fitness and Nutrition Tips
If you’re wondering about Goulding’s weight loss secrets—for Goulding, it’s less about losing weight and more about exercising and eating right to have a healthy lifestyle.
In an interview with Look magazine, Goulding admitted she wasn’t always the strong woman we see today. Before she began working out she didn’t have much of a shape. But a strict exercise regimen and a healthy vegan diet has transformed the 28-year-old’s mind and body.
According to the Look interview, Goulding follows the hour long ‘Barry’s Bootcamp’ workout class, which involves mat work and running on the treadmill. Goulding’s running workouts are pretty intense— she enjoys running so much that she often competes in half marathons. She apparently even gets in extra workouts by running to the gym (a 25-minute trek!)
Goulding’s trainer, Faisal Abdalla, suggests that the key to Goulding’s six-pack is a move known as the six touch plank—it consists of getting into a push-up position, lifting one hand off the ground and touching your opposite shoulder. Repeat six times.
A photo posted by elliegoulding (@elliegoulding) on
Other aspects of Goulding’s workout include boxing, the use of resistance bands, and free-weights. When Goulding hits the gym she makes sure every second counts and she leaves completely drenched in sweat!
As a brand ambassador for Nike, Goulding has a much larger platform to preach her love of fitness and healthy living. She complements her gym efforts with a healthy vegan diet that consists of green juice, tofu, salad, and bean burgers.
Ellie Goulding’s workout plan may be pretty intense, but it has completely transformed her life for the better. With all of her hard work you can’t help but be inspired to take kick-start your own fitness routine!
Ellie Goulding Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/p/BIbdhjtDls0/.
Ellie Goulding Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/p/BH4M2xfDkLl/?taken-by=elliegoulding.
London, B., “Before I had a flat bum, no boobs and not much shape’: Ellie Goulding reveals the intense fitness regime and vegan diet that’s transformed her body, skin and lifestyle,” Daily Mail website, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3193547/Ellie-Goulding-reveals-intense-fitness-regime-vegan-diet-s-transformed-body-skin-lifestyle.html, last accessed July 29, 2016.
Keaney, Q., “Ellie Goulding’s fitness campaign will make you want to go for a run immediately,” MTV news website, http://www.mtv.com/news/2061609/ellie-goulding-nike-running-campaign/, last accessed July 29, 2016.