Actress Emma Watson is fighting hard for gender equality through the UN Women’s He for She campaign.
The Brown University graduate, known for her fit and confident look, recently contributed to a Global Goals video focused on women’s empowerment, which shows female Olympians jumping hurdles. The inspirational video is entitled Hurdles and documents women’s achievements in gaining equality.
The United Nations Goodwill Ambassador has been speaking on humanitarian causes and equal rights issues for the past few years. At a recent speech at the UN summit in New York, Watson addressed on-campus sexual violence and gender inequality.
She implored universities and colleges to make it clear that the safety of women, minorities and vulnerable people is a right and not a privilege.
Emma Watson’s Health Philosophy
Watson has been through ups and down with her weight, but, now, she says she loves her body. She does not stick to the straight-up-and-down model look; she is comfortable in her own skin and confidently flaunts her curves.
Watson’s health philosophy is pretty simple and easy to follow: Eat what you like, be healthy. But it alone won’t help to maintain the prefect figure. You do need to exercise regularly.
Watson loves food and loves cooking. She opts for home-cooked meals. She refrains from eating sugar and saturated fat and decreases salt consumption. Fresh fruits, vegetables, leans meats, and salads are rich in vitamins and minerals and must be consumed daily.
On her cheat days, she enjoys bagels, chocolate, and pizza. She does not abide by a six-meals-per-day plan; instead, she eats whenever she feels hungry.
Her healthy diet plan has helped her achieve a good figure and lustrous hair, nails, and flawless skin.
Watson’s Workout Routine
She loves exercises that help her sweat and leave her with pink cheeks and bright sparkling eyes. She loves most sports, especially hockey and tennis, and goes for hill walking and likes running outdoors.
She works out five days per week for 90 minutes each day. Her workouts include Pilates, weight lifting and sprints. Pilates can be practiced by a wide range of people for a leaner and stronger body.
She practices yoga, as well, to be in shape. She insists that young girls be happy with the way their body is and not keep impossibly high expectations, as this attitude lowers self-confidence.
She recommends pairing nutrition with fitness. The dieting rules that Emma Watson would also recommend to her fans include eating healthy, treating yourself to indulgences, and exercising regularly.
Cote, R., “Celebrity Feminist Emma Watson Makes Inspirational Feminist Video,” Jezebel web site;, last accessed September 26, 2016.