Fergie’s Fitness Secrets: Vegetarian Diet and Yoga

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI / Splash News

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI / Splash News

Fergie, singer and songwriter of “The Black Eyed Peas” fame, has never seemed to have a huge problem with pregnancy weight.

Being in great shape has naturally been a part of her lifestyle—after all, Fergie works out on a regular basis to remain in shape when on tour.

The 41-year-old Grammy winner, who is currently working on her second solo album “Double Dutchess,” has kept a relatively low profile with her husband, actor Josh Duhamel, especially after the couple gave birth to their son Axl in the summer of 2013.


What are Fergie’s secrets to her bikini fitness body?

Her exercises include yoga and cardio workouts (such as running and hiking). She can also be found jogging with her hubbie.



Fergie and Josh Duhamel go for a run in Santa Monica, Ca. Credit, ‘07: London Entertainment/Splash News.

Fergie has followed a mostly vegetarian diet for a number of years now, and she enjoys juicing and making smoothies. Her favorite juice recipe includes broccoli, spinach, kale, pears, and apples.

What Food Does Fergie Love?

Fergie’s diet is low in processed food and mostly consists of plant-based foods. To keep her metabolism up, Fergie allegedly eats every three hours. In Los Angeles, she uses a meal delivery service called ‘Diet Designs’.

Smoothie Recipe That Fergie Enjoys!

What to try a smoothie recipe that Fergie enjoys? The following is a recipe from Fergie’s celebrity nutritionist Kim Snyder. Make sure to use all organic ingredients to avoid pesticides and other exposure to chemicals.



Although Fergie loves juicing and her diet is healthy, Fergie will cheat on her diet from time-to-time. For instance, the pop star dines at various restaurants and bars with her husband, and enjoys certain delicacies, including black or white truffles or grilled corn on the cob.

Sources for Today’s Article:
Chang, S., “Fergie Is A MILF: Vegetarian Diet and Belly Dance Yoga Workouts Are Weight Loss Secrets,” Celebrity Health and Fitness website, June 28, 2016; http://www.celebrityhealthfitness.com/38646/fergie-milf-vegetarian-diet-cardio-exercise-keep-hot/.
Bulow, A., “How Fergie Cheats on Her Diet,” Food & Wine website; http://www.foodandwine.com/articles/fergie-black-eyed-peas-favorite-restaurants, last accessed June 29, 2016.
Siegel, E., “Fergie’s Nutritionist Shares Her Top Diet Tips & Detox Smoothie,” The Beauty Expert Allure website, July 13, 2011; http://www.allure.com/beauty-trends/blogs/daily-beauty-reporter/2011/07/fergies-nutritionist-shares-her-top-diet-tips-detox-smoothie.html.



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