Fifty Shades of Grey Star Jamie Dornan’s 80/20 Workout and Diet Plan Revealed by Personal Trainer

Photo Credit: Elliot

The Irish actor, who plays Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey, is fortunate enough to be able to eat whatever he wants and not put on weight. Jamie Dornan is naturally gifted and has a blessed metabolism.

To fit into the in-shape character of Christian Grey, Dornan had just one month to bulk up. The expert trainers at Iron Fit implemented a workout that resembled CrossFit, which helped Dornan get into shape quickly.

Dornan’s personal trainer Braganza says that Dornan follows an 80:20 kind of routine; 80% of his time is spent on working out and dieting, while 20% of his days are cheat days.


She insists on pairing exercise with proper nutrition and cutting down on alcohol and unhealthy food.

Photo credit: Imdb

Dornan’s Workout for Fifty Shades of Grey

Dornan told Men’s Health that “It really is just all about press-ups every day. I’ll aim to do around 50 first thing in the morning, and loads more throughout the day.”

Crunches are his favorite exercise, which helps speed up the fat burning process.

For Fifty Shades of Grey, Dornan’s workout plan was as follows:

Three sets of each of sledge hammers, kettlebell swings, and battle rope.

20 reps of power lunges, 10 reps of bent-over rows, and 5 reps of ring push-ups.

He also includes five sets, 10 reps each of core pike slide-outs, Aussie pullups, and prowler sleds.

Along with the workouts, Dornan keeps himself active by skiing, and by playing golf and soccer.

Jamie Dornan’s Diet

Dornan was a skinny guy initially, and wanted to put on muscle. He relied on simple carbs, regular cokes, and even ate 10 packs of hula hoops a day.

When that failed, he turned to his trainer to help him gain weight while staying healthy. Dornan was required to increase his calorie intake in order to put on weight; his trainer insisted on including more protein, while lowering the carbohydrate intake during the day.

After the workout, he increases both protein and carbohydrate intake, and includes supplements to help him recover post-workout. His diet consists of a combination of meat and veggies, eaten 30–60 minutes after his workout each day.

Before shooting for Fifty Shades of Grey, he would indulge on cheesecake, tequila, burgers, beer, and wine.

If you are not fortunate enough to have a good metabolism like Dornan, you can still attain his body by following his routine.


Cruz, R., “Jamie Dornan’s fitness trainer opens up how he helped him prepare for their roles,” Yibada web site, August 26, 2016;
