Gilmore Girls Revival: How Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel Look Super Fit

Fans are eager to see the Gilmore Girls revival series Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, which will air on Netflix. The gorgeous actresses Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel have shared the fitness secrets that keep them looking youthful.

Lauren Graham’s Diet and Workout

Graham maintains her fabulous look not only by hitting the gym, but also by counting her calories as well. She uses a meal delivery service to keep her calories under control. She feels a diet is as important as workout, and hence opted for the meal delivery service rather than having to deal with temptations herself.

The pre-made meals help her stay healthy and have taught her how to consume the right foods. The pre-made meals are not high in calories, they are portion controlled, and also save time. It is a good investment, says Graham.

“One thing I’ve learned is I actually don’t like variety very much,” she told Self. “I like having the same thing over and over: assorted lean proteins, arugula salad, quinoa or brown rice with soy sauce, olive oil, lemon, and salt. Those ingredients can pretty much get me through the week.”


She keeps herself hydrated and opts for flavored water. Graham told US Magazine, “I’ve been on a diet for 35 years.” She has admitted, “the women in my family struggle [with their weight], so I find the less I think about food, in a way, the happier I am. In general, I think I eat less the less I think about it.”

She is getting trained by Michelle Lovitt to get in shape. Graham works out 90 minutes a day by walking on an incline on the treadmill, or by hiking. She also does Pilates and spin classes with her sister. Her goal is to burn 3,500 calories a week, which is equal to one pound.

Alexis Bledel’s Workout

Bledel’s workout regimen comprises of cardio exercises, yoga, and Pilates. She loves outdoor activities like sports.

She is a fan of Piloxing—a combination of Pilates and boxing. Piloxing is fun and burns up to 900 calories per hour-long class. It not only burns fat, but tones muscles and gives you a sculpted body.

Bledel tries to prepare healthy foods with natural and healthy ingredients. Being a fan of healthy, organic, and local foods, Bledel prepares her own meals rather than dining out, as outside foods are nutrient-deficient. She does go out for drinks and indulges in pizza often.

Schultz, R., “Lauren Graham’s Diet Secret,” Yahoo web site, September 20, 2011;



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