GM Diet Plan: Can You Really Lose Weight in Just Seven Days?

The General Motors, or GM, diet plan claims that by following its program, you can lose between 10 to 17 lbs per week! Impossible, right? According to the program, by eating specific water-based foods, your body goes through a detoxification process that prepares it for clean eating habits.

There is no online proof that the global car company was behind this diet craze; however, many reports credited General Motors with the program.

It is thought that the GM diet plan began in the late 1980s when the company devised the program along with the United States Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture to help its employees lose weight and be healthy.

It is also called The Cabbage Soup Diet and The Sacred Heart Diet.


What Is The GM Diet Plan?

The General Motors diet plan is a seven-day eating program that focuses on preparing the body for a healthy lifestyle. Its goal is to flush out all of the toxins and prepare your digestion system to process clean, good foods.

The goal? To burn more fat and calories than the body is consuming, therefore, using the stored body fat for energy. In turn, by losing weight, a person will become more comfortable in their own body and have more energy as they eat healthy food.

How Does the GM Diet Plan Work?

Since the main structure of the GM diet plan is based on water intake and water-based foods, your body undergoes a detoxification process in the seven days.

After the seven days, the idea is that you will feel much better with a cleaned-out system and decide not to eat the processed foods that may have made you feel sluggish and ill.

The foods in this plan are vegetables, fruits, brown rice, or soup, along with milk and six to eight glasses of water each day. These foods, and the amount of water, promote faster digestion which makes you feel full faster.

This will prevent you from over-eating. As well, by drinking enough water, your body will not retain water.

Oddly enough, most forms of the GM Diet Plan only focus on the food with no specific exercise plan. There are some variations that do take exercise into consideration and outline a regiment based on the daily energy food sources.

GM Diet Plan: Foods to Eat and Avoid

To achieve up to a 17 lbs weight loss, the combination of low-calorie fruits and vegetables with complex carbohydrates and water must be consumed accordingly.

It is important to avoid certain foods on specific days. During the seven days, there is to be no consumption of alcohol, use of salad dressings, and no more than a teaspoon of oil used during the cooking process.

Depending on the source, the GM Diet Plan allows for some substitutions and will call for either brown rice or the special GM soup. We have provided the following day-to-day plan along with the recipe for the soup for the best results.

GM Wonder Soup



  1. Chop the onions and green peppers. Sauté in olive oil until brown.
  2. Cut up the tomatoes, celery, and cabbage. Add to vegetables along with the water.
  3. Bring to a boil and then simmer for an hour. Keep in refrigerator and heat when required.

7-Day Weight Loss GM Diet Plan vs. Other Weight Loss Plans

We took a look at two other programs and compare them to the GM Diet Plan.

The GM Diet Plan offers a fast and significant weight loss of an average of five to ten lbs per week.

Pros: quick weight loss 

Cons: side effects from the detoxification such as sudden muscle weakness, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, dehydration, and a chance to gain the weight after the plan ends

Duration: seven days

Exercise: at least 10 minutes per day

Restrictions: mainly fruit and vegetable menu

Support: no official organization

Origin: source not verified

Audience: men and women

The Venus Diet offers rapid weight loss with a focus on body shape more than the weight numbers.

Pros: based on identifying metabolism hormone

Cons: annoying sales video

Duration: 12 weeks

Exercise: daily, moderate

Restrictions: no dietary

Support: apps, publications, and online community

Origin: John Barban

Audience: women

The 3-Week Diet offers guaranteed weight loss of up to 23 lbs in 21 days

Pros: science-based, unique motivational manual, 60-day money-back guarantee

Cons: annoying sales video, not a big support team

Duration: three weeks

Exercise: three days a week for 20 to 30 minutes per day

Restrictions: calorie intake at beginning

Support: manuals

Origin: Brian Flatt

Audience: men and women

What works for one may not work for another. It is best to learn and understand what a program can offer you based on your goals. Please remember to consult a doctor before starting any weight loss program.


Charushila & Glendon, “The GM Diet Plan: How to Lose Weight in Just 7 Days”, Style Craze web site, November 8, 2016;, last accessed January 12, 2017.

“The GM Diet Plan for 2017: General Motors Weight Loss Plan”, Skinny Bitch web site;, last accessed January 12, 2017.
