Goldie Hawn, Kate Hudson’s mother, revealed her fitness secrets as well as the reason why she and Kurt Russell never took their relationship one step further and married. Hawn and Russell have been in a long term relationship – 33 years! – and yet, the two never made it legally binding.
Hawn actually admits that the secret to their longevity has to do with the fact that they never walked down the aisle.
In Hollywood, celebs are constantly splitting up and divorcing, but it’s refreshing to see that one couple has truly made it through the years.
Hawn explained in an interview with Britain’s ITV Loose Women, “We like the choice and we chose to stay. We’re always asked why we are not married. Why?
What is marriage going to do for us? At the beginning, you want to see each other all the time. Then you get jealous when they’re gone too long and that’s exciting. But for a healthy long-term relationship, then 68 per cent of the time is good.”
Hawn was previously married to Gus Trikonis and Bill Hudson– Kate Hudson’s father – but, as you can tell, things clearly didn’t work out. At the age of 70, Hawn is happy where she’s at in her relationship and she still looks amazing, too.
Hawn follows a simple diet and healthy habits to continue to look her best. Read on to discover Hawn’s secrets to looking forever young.
Goldie Hawn’s Healthy Lifestyle
Hawn thinks we have a problem, and that problem is we overeat. She admitted on the red carpet for The Champions of our Planet’s Future gala that she partakes in a lot of juicing and doesn’t actually eat that much food.
Furthermore, she said she doesn’t mix too many foods; for example, if she wants protein she will eat a bowl of lentils, nothing else.
She complements her healthy eating habits – or to some, minimal – with regular exercise, which she partakes in everyday. She says she enjoys walking and running; and if she doesn’t have time for a long workout, then she will still squeeze in a short interval-style workout – we wonder if she’s wearing her daughter’s athletic line, too.
Although Hawn would love to pass on her wisdom to her children and grandchildren, she understands that it’s near impossible. She said, “You can’t pass anything on to your children. The only thing you can do is be an example, a living example.
No one, children don’t listen to the words, ever! They listen to what they see and what you do. That’s the key.”
If Goldie Hawn’s children won’t listen to her, we sure will! Hawn looks amazing at 70, and that’s some serious life goals right there! If we all just ate a bit less and were active daily we, too, could achieve the eternal beauty of Goldie.
“Why Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have never married,” News.com.au, http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/hook-ups-break-ups/why-goldie-hawn-and-kurt-russell-have-never-married/news-story/cca40b43f9230e1b7e4962749c9c8559, last accessed September 29, 2016.
“Goldie Hawn Says She Keeps Her Diet Simple: ‘I Don’t Eat a Lot. I Think We Overeat,” People, http://greatideas.people.com/2016/03/25/goldie-hawn-keeps-diet-simple-i-dont-eat-alot/, last accessed September 29, 2016.