Photo credit: KCS Presse / Splash News
Halle Berry is set to star in the Kidnap movie this fall. Berry, age 50, is looking phenomenal, though with exercise and a proper diet most people can look and feel good well into their seventies.
Halle Berry’s bikini body is still to this day recognizable by audiences everywhere. Despite her outward appearance, the actor has been battling with diabetes for the past few years, though she has said she is no longer insulin dependent. That being said, she still needs to follow a strict diet and exercise regimen to keep her diabetes manageable.
Diabetes is maintained primarily through insulin shots and by following a closely monitored healthy diet that balances carbs, fats, and sugars. Eating plenty of leafy greens (spinach, kale, collards, broccoli), nuts (cashews, almonds, walnuts), whole grains, and low-fat dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), can all help with digestive health and keep blood sugar levels in control.
Halle Berry’s Diet Plan
The Kidnap star works with personal trainer Harley Pasternak, whose 5-factor fitness plan for weight loss and strenuous workout routine is famous in Hollywood.
The Oscar winning actor does not eat sugar thanks to her diabetes. Both sugar and simple carbs are no-no’s for those with diabetes because they cause spikes in blood sugar levels.
The main idea behind Pasternak’s diet is that everything, even exercise, is based around the number five. So, Berry has five meals a day pulled from a balanced mix of five parts, outlined below:
#1. Lean protein like chicken, low fat dairy, and fish
#2. Complex carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits
#3. Fiber
#4. Healthy fats such as olive and avocado oil
#5. Water or other sugarless-drinks
The diet plan is followed five times in a week, after which you presumably go back to eating how you would normally and then follow the 5 factor diet for the next five days.
Foods recommended for this diet are low glycemic, low in sugar, low in carbs, gluten-free, and high in fiber and protein. Processed foods, junk foods, pop, and anything that has more than five ingredients is not allowed.
Foods that are recommended for consumption include chicken breast, salmon, egg whites, fish, cottage cheese, and low fat milk.
5-Factor Fitness Plan
The 5-factor fitness plan lasts 25 minutes and is done in five segments:
- Cardio warm-up
- Upper-body strength training
- Lower-body strength training
- Core exercises (lots of crunches and twists)
- Fat-burning cardio work
This balanced approach to fitness might play a large part in Berry’s phenomenal physique. Berry has never had plastic surgery and she embraces the phases of her age and life, having said that she doesn’t stress about aging.
She said in an interview that women shouldn’t strive to be like the young women that we once were, but to embrace whatever phase you’re in right now.
Fathima, A., “Halle Berry Manages Diabetes with Regular Exercise and Healthy Diet, Ways to Tackle Diabetes,” International Business Times web site, August 12, 2014; http://www.ibtimes.com.au/halle-berry-manages-diabetes-regular-exercise-healthy-diet-ways-tackle-diabetes-1350223, last accessed September 6, 2016.