Halloween 2016: Allergy-Free Candies for Kids to Have a Safe Halloween

Parents want their kids to have a fun and safe Halloween; there is no doubt about that. However, sometimes it can be worrisome for parents of children with food allergies or even diabetes, since many candies contain things like nuts and tons of sugar. Well, don’t fret, moms and dads: here are some allergy-free candies that will ensure a safe and spooky Halloween 2016.

Ideas for a Safe and Allergy Free Halloween

Some families have children with complex medical issues, which can mean that Halloween is an especially challenging celebration since they still want their children to enjoy it with friends. Here are some suggestions for families:

Food-Allergy-Friendly Candies for Halloween 2016

Here is a list of Halloween goodies that are gluten-free and allergy-friendly. Please read the labels to ensure the ingredients haven’t changed! Many are free of the top eight allergens: milk, eggs, fish (bass, flounder, cod, etc.), crustacean shellfish (lobster, shrimp, crab, etc.), tree nuts, peanut, soybeans, and wheat.

A few others include:


All of these can be found at your local supermarket, Halloween store, or online. Keep in mind that just because it’s Halloween doesn’t necessarily mean organic food is off limits. They might not love you for it, but organic foods like apples or tangerines are still an option to hand out for kids if you don’t want to go with the non-edible option. Happy Halloween!


Peddie, C., “Halloween 2016: Food Allergy-Friendly Candies” Allergic Living; http://allergicliving.com/2016/10/06/halloween-2016-food-allergy-friendly-candies/; last accessed October 20, 2016.

Villalplando, N., “How to handle Halloween with food allergies” Austin 360; October, 14, 2016; http://parenting.blog.austin360.com/2016/10/14/how-to-handle-halloween-with-food-allergies/; last accessed October 20, 2016.

“Best Halloween Treat? Enjoying Allergy-Free Fun” News Wise; October, 3, 2016; http://www.newswise.com/articles/best-halloween-treat-enjoying-allergy-free-fun; last accessed October 20, 2016.

Special to AL.com., “Birmingham FARE Walk for food allergy” AL.COM; October, 10, 2016; http://blog.al.com/press-releases/2016/10/birmingham_fare_walk_for_food.html; last accessed October 20, 2016.



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