Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Pressure: How Much & How to Use?

In the world of nutrition, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) for blood pressure has become a hot topic. Around one-third of all Americans suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

With the changes of today’s lifestyle, unfortunately, this figure is likely to increase. But some research suggests it may be possible to control blood pressure by consuming apple cider vinegar. Knowing the apple cider vinegar benefits and how they may affect high blood pressure is important to your health.Find out if consuming ACV for high blood pressure is an effective first step to getting hypertension under control naturally.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Pressure: Does It Work?

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits and is used as a home remedy for normalizing high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol among many other health conditions.


Those who have high blood pressure due to a kidney disease may not achieve the results others can with apple cider vinegar. If there is an underlying medical reason for the high blood pressure, the results have not been as strong at lowering blood pressure.

It has shown, however, to ease many of the symptoms associated with conditions that cause high blood pressure. The key to success in using ACV blood pressure treatment is using it correctly and sticking with it while maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Equally important is informing your doctor because its usage may warrant a change in your medicine dosage.

What Research Says about Apple Cider Vinegar and Blood Pressure

As mentioned, there isn’t a great number of studies regarding the blood pressure lowering properties of apple cider vinegar in humans, and research is very limited both for and against it.

One study published in the British Journal of Nutrition seemed to support apple cider vinegar and its blood pressure lowering abilities by testing the claim in rodents fed a cholesterol-rich diet. High cholesterol is commonly linked to hypertension.

For the purpose of the study, one test group was fed apple cider vinegar and the other group was given water. The vinegar test group did report significantly lower cholesterol.

Although the test was a success in showing the abilities in rodents, it is a far step in proving that apple cider vinegar will lower blood pressure in humans.

According to Brenda Skidmore, Holistic Health Expert at Disabled World, high blood pressure is just one of the many conditions that apple cider vinegar can help with due to its ability to balance the body’s pH.

This works by breaking down fat and phlegm deposits in the body, aiding in better circulation and lowering blood pressure against the arterial walls.

Another animal study published in the journal of Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry found that when apple cider vinegar was introduced into a daily diet in rats with spontaneous hypertension, it caused a significant reduction in the condition.

The effect of acetic acid, found in the vinegar, lowered renin activity (the enzyme that helps regulate blood pressure). The study suggested that under laboratory conditions, apple cider vinegar is indeed a natural treatment for blood pressure.

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Consume for Normalizing High Blood Pressure?

Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Apple Cider Vinegar for Blood Pressure?

Consuming apple cider vinegar is safe for most adults when used in short-term for medical purposes. But one case involving a 28-year hospital patient suggests consuming large amounts of the vinegar over the long term might not be safe.

The woman,who consumed eight ounces of apple cider vinegar daily for six years, developed low potassium levels and osteoporosis. Therefore, taking it on a short-term basis and in consultation with your doctor appears to be the safest course of action. (1)

There is not enough information on the safety of taking apple cider vinegar while pregnant and breastfeeding, so doctors don’t recommend consuming it during this time. Equally, studies are still being done to test the safety of those with diabetes to consume apple cider vinegar.

Some have shown the tonic’s hypoglycemic effects in those with diabetes, so doctors warn to monitor sugar levels closely and adjust dosage to work with any medications that may necessary to treat diabetes. (2)

Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest remedies for anything from cold and flu to blood sugar and cholesterol. It is useful for many health problems, as it is packed with raw enzymes, and beneficial bacteria that may help improve digestion, balance hormones, and reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Apple cider vinegar blood pressure treatment should be used in combination with a healthy lifestyle including clean eating and regular exercise. If you are considering adding apple cider vinegar to your lifestyle, consult with your doctor before doing so to be sure there are no conflicts with any current medications.


“Apple Cider Vinegar,”Web MD;, last accessed February 17, 2017.



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