You’ve doubtlessly heard about the many Himalayan pink salt benefits over those of processed table salts. Switching to Himalayan pink salt has many advantages, since it contains many of the minerals and nutrients not found in processed salts. Adding this to your diet will both protect and improve your health considerably.
Its full spectrum of 84 minerals is just the first of many Himalayan pink salt benefits. The salt is completely unrefined and doesn’t contain any of the additives that processed table salt may contain. It is mined by hand from salt caves around the world. These caves were formed 250 million years ago when ocean salt settled in them.
Himalayan pink salt is mined in the Karakoram Mountain Range in the Himalayas, located 400 miles from the Hunza Valley in Pakistan. Since it has remained virtually untouched for 250 million years, the salt is free of many of the pollutants found in salt mines in other parts of the world.
What most of the Western world thinks of as salt is actually sodium chloride, a highly refined substance that has little nutritional value. In fact, evidence shows that people who consume refined table salt may suffer from degenerative diseases. Doctors in the early 20th century found that patients who consumed white table salt suffered from diseases such as goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland that causes swelling in the neck or larynx. This may be caused by the lack of iodine in refined salt. One of the many Himalayan pink salt benefits is that it is rich in iodine.
There is also evidence an iodine deficiency could be the cause of developmental delays in children. If you’re planning to get pregnant and you’re suffering from an iodine deficiency, these Himalayan pink salt benefits may help to prevent possible developmental delays in your child.
Though processed table salt doesn’t contain the 80 minerals found in natural salt, since iodine is such an essential part of salt, it is often added through a process called iodizing. Simply put, it mixes regular salt with tiny amounts of iodine. Sea food and sea salt are usually rich in iodine. Another of the many Himalayan pink salt benefits is that it is also rich in naturally occurring iodine.
Now, before you run out and buy Himalayan pink salt, there are a few things you should be aware of; this quick, handy guide will provide you with everything you need to know to enjoy all of these Himalayan pink salt benefits and many more.
Image Source: Wikipedia
Not All Sea Salt Is Created Equal
By now, “sea salt” has become ubiquitous. It seems as though virtually every product that lines the shelves of grocery stores is made with sea salt. Himalayan pink salt is another form of sea salt. But, just because you’re buying a product that says it is sea salt, doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy Himalayan pink salt benefits.
First, since it came from the ocean at one time or another, all salt is sea salt, meaning that even processed salt could be called “sea salt” if the manufacturer wanted to call it that. The real way to tell if the salt you’re buying is true sea salt and whether you’ll enjoy all of these Himalayan pink salt benefits is to look at the color.
Himalayan pink salt is naturally pink. Processing removes essential mineral nutrients from salt, turning it white. If your salt is pink, you’ll enjoy all the Himalayan pink salt benefits mentioned here. Other healthy natural salts include Celtic sea salt, which is blue and natural, and full-spectrum salts, which are brown or sandy in color. This may sound unappetizing, but it is very healthy!
The Advantages of Himalayan Pink Salt
Besides being rich in essential minerals and nutrients like iodine, Himalayan pink salt benefits also include the following:
• Himalayan pink salt has a long shelf life: As long as you keep it in a dark, dry place and don’t open it, you’ll enjoy many Himalayan pink salt benefits for years
• It’s good to have on hand: Salt is an essential part of the diet. In the event of a crisis, having natural salt, such as Himalayan pink salt, as part of a preparedness kit, is advisable
• It replenishes minerals: If you maintain a fitness regimen or live in a hot climate, chances are you sweat out a lot of essential minerals. By consuming natural salt, you’ll replenish those essential minerals
• It curbs junk food cravings: If you love salty junk food, such as potato chips, but hate that they make you gain weight, try adding Himalayan pink salt to your diet. One of the many Himalayan pink salt benefits you’ll experience is that this kind of salt eliminates those hard-to-kick junk food cravings
• It eases high blood pressure: Consuming processed salt is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure. If you replace processed salt with Himalayan pink salt, you’ll see your blood pressure drop
Other Himalayan Pink Salt Benefits
If you’re an athlete or you maintain a vigorous exercise regimen, you know that replenishing electrolytes is essential. Yet another of the many Himalayan pink salt benefits you’ll discover is that it creates an electrolyte balance in your body.
Hydration is not something you commonly associate with salt but, surprisingly, another of the many Himalayan pink salt benefits is that it increases and regulates water in cells thanks to the 80 minerals it contains.
If you suffer from acid reflux, adding Himalayan pink salt to your diet can help to balance pH, relieving the burning sensation. Himalayan pink salt benefits also include preventing muscle cramps, something that anyone who has woken up in the middle of the night to walk off a cramp will doubtlessly benefit from.
If you’re looking to lose weight, try adding Himalayan pink salt to your diet; it will kick-start your metabolism. It will also help your intestines to better absorb nutrients. Himalayan pink salt benefits also include strengthening bones.
Cleanses have become popular and Himalayan pink salt benefits also include helping to clear toxins and sediments from the body, increasing your libido, and reducing the signs of aging.
With all these benefits, there’s little doubt you should add Himalayan pink salt to your diet.