Infertility Issues: Simple Diet Tips To Boost Your Fertility

Do you know that in the U.S. every one in seven married couples struggle with infertility issues. And, 50% of the time the problem is with the woman, 20% with the man, 18% with both, and 12% of the time it’s duet to some unknown issues.

Some of the most common contributors to the infertility in women include:

It’s also becomes difficult for a woman to conceive a baby once she crosses age of 34. When it comes to infertility in men, it’s mainly caused by low or abnormal sperm count and erectile dysfunction.

The cervical mucus of a woman could also attack and damage the sperm, inceasing the chances of infertility.


Infertility Issues: Healthy Diet Plays Important Role

Yes, in reality, what you eat and how you eat can have a major impact on your reproductive health. If you are experiencing infertility issues, then a poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle may be the biggest contributor.

So, it’s recommended to look at your diet and lifestyle in order to improve your reproductive health. Sources even suggest that a healthy diet, routine workout and a healthy lifestyle can improve your chances of conceiving a baby to almost double.

Following good healthy habits helps both men and women to get rid of their infertility problems, and for women, it ensures a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Improving Reproductive Health: Lifestyle Habits That Should Be Completely Avoided

There are a number of lifestyle factors that affect on your reproductive health. Here we’ll discuss about some of the major habits that significantly promote infertility in both men and women.

  1. Smoking – A couple who frequently smoke are more likely to have a miscarriage.
  2. Alcohol – Alcohol addiction is linked to lower sperm count. Alcohol drinking during the pregnancy increases the chances of fatal abnormality.
  3. Caffeine – Well, the debate will going on for the advantages and disadvantages of coffee. Even if coffee has few health benefits to offer, over consumption of caffeine rich foods/beverages can damage your reproductive health.
  4. Environmental factors – Environmental factors like agricultural chemicals, toxins, constant radiation, heavy metals and etc play an important role in damaging your fertility.

Infertility Issues: Best Diet Tips To Improve Your Reproductive Health

Lowering your intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars is beneficial for both men and women. It is also wise to reduce your intake of animal fats and highly processed vegetable fats, which includes hydrogenated and trans fats.

Grass-fed and organic meats and wild cold-water fish are a better option. Organic fruits and vegetables are the only way to go when trying to conceive a baby, which allows the couple to avoid pesticides and GMO (genetically modified organism) foods. Other general dietary suggestions include eating more fiber in the diet and drinking eight to 10 glasses of water daily.

Aside from the general diet, there are specific foods and nutrients women and men should also keep in mind.

It’s a good idea to have more omega-3s than omega-6s in the diet and great omega-3 food sources include pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, almonds, or fish like sardines or salmon. B12 is also an important vitamin for sperm production, motility, and cellular replication. Organic eggs are your best source for B12 in your diet.

Diet and lifestyle are very important when it comes to the health and wellness of not just you, but your baby as well. The woman and man both play a big part in making a healthy baby and avoiding any complications in the magical process of childbirth.
