Photo Credit: Splash News
Julianne Hough’s favorite food is pizza. Can you relate? Most people can, which is why so many people were scratching their heads when Julianne Hough’s six-pack abs were out in full force.
Can you have a side of abs with your pizza, too? You bet! Julianne Hough’s diet allows her some wiggle room, and it’s why she has such great results.
Julianne Hough shows her incredible abs while leaving the gym. 08/10/2016. Credit: Splash News.
Julianne Hough’s Six-Pack Abs on Shape Magazine Cover
After seeing her photo on the cover of Shape, it might be surprising to learn that pizza is a part of her diet. Flex dieting is the most realistic way to successfully stick to a weight loss program, and seems to be what all the stars are doing these days.
Now Julianne Hough’s abs diet isn’t all about pizza and other junk—if it was she might be the star of My 600-lb Life. Instead, the pizza is a cheat meal, so she likely indulges herself with a slice or two once or twice per week.
Variety Is the Spice of Life
Most of the time, Hough is eating high-quality nutritious foods that don’t come in a package. She told Shape that she avoids food that come packaged—so not processed foods—and builds the majority of her diet around fresh vegetables and protein. If she needs a bit of an energy boost, she’ll include some whole-grain complex carbs like brown rice or quinoa.
Hough also tries to keep things interesting, so she’ll vary her foods. One of her favorite dishes is baked salmon with rosemary, lemon, broccoli, onions and cherry tomatoes. And then, when it’s time to have fun and let loose a little bit, a couple of slices! Julianne Hough’s abs diet, of course, doesn’t have the same influence without a committed workout routine.
Julianne Hough’s Abs Workout
For her flat tummy, Hough works out three to six days per week, using a variety of techniques to keep things fresh and fun. It might surprise you to hear it doesn’t help your abs to do sit ups every day. Although it will provide some muscularity, the best thing to do to expose six pack abs is to diet and lose fat.
Her exercise routine includes three days in the gym doing weight training with a trainer. On the other days she does things like yoga, SoulCycle or hiking—any form of activity that gets her outside, active and feeling good.
The key to an effective workout routine is finding something you like that mixes strength training with cardiovascular activity. So whether you’re looking for variety or sticking to the same things, any method that mixes those components should yield positive results.
“Julianne Hough Bares Her Abs For Shape Magazine & Reveals Her Pizza-Filled Diet: ‘I Eat It A Lot!’” Perez Hilton web site, August 10, 2016; http://perezhilton.com/2016-08-10-julianne-hough-fitness-workout-tips-shape-magazine-september-2016-cover-spread/?from=post, last accessed August 16, 2016.