Photo Credit: Christopher Peterson/Splash News
It is important for models to stay in shape, so dietary choices are especially important.
For instance, model Kendall Jenner was seen enjoying a healthy Italian dinner with fellow model and singer/songwriter Justine Skye at Carbone in NYC late Sunday night.
The 20-year-old models enjoyed Carbone meals that included steamed asparagus, artichokes hearts, potatoes, fish, and a variety of Italian dishes.
Kendall Jenner’s Diet and Workout Plan
When she is not enjoying healthy meals with friends, Jenner can be seen on dozens of runaways around the world. Jenner was working out literally every day to prepare for the most recent Victoria Secret show held back in November.
How did Kendall Jenner get her body ready for the runway? The A-list model had reportedly shed 15 pounds of body fat in two months. In an interview, Kendall explained that she’d go to her trainer and then go for a run a few hours later to prepare for the show.
What are her diet secrets? Jenner is a calorie-burning machine. Her trainer had her take green tea daily to help boost her metabolism. Green tea contains an antioxidant and weight-loss booster called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Photo: Singer Justine Skye attends Mara Hoffman SS16 at Skylight Clarkson Sq in New York City. Credit: Christopher Peterson/Splash News.
The Kendall Jenner weight loss diet (as I so aptly dub it) includes a large breakfast of three eggs topped with avocado, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. To get in shape for the Victoria Secret show, she would apparently also eat a bowl of oatmeal alongside a large glass of green tea with lemon.
Her mid-day snack included large freshly-squeezed juice with celery, carrots, ginger, apple, and beet. She also ate some roasted almonds, and two shots of apple cider vinegar. Dinner also involved a low-carb-high-protein food, like tuna or salmon, and a papaya salad or seaweed salad.
What about Kendall Jenner’s workout? She did an intense full body resistance exercise and cardio workout twice per week. Her elliptical bike and Smith machine barbell squat workouts helped shape her thighs and butt. Other workouts Jenner enjoyed include hammer curls, leg presses, and rowing with the row machine.
It’s no wonder Jenner is taking some time to relax with Justine Skye in NYC!
Sources for Today’s Article:
“Kendall Jenner Grabs Dinner with Justine Skye in NYC,” Just Jared website, July 11, 2016; http://www.justjared.com/2016/07/11/kendall-jenner-grabs-dinner-with-justine-skye-in-nyc/.
McDonagh, R., “Kendall Jenner flashes black bra in all-white outfit as she heads for dinner with singer Justine Skye in New York,” Mail Online, July 11, 2016; http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3683971/Kendall-Jenner-flashes-black-bra-white-outfit-heads-dinner-singer-Justine-Skye-New-York.html.
“Kendall Jenner Diet Plan and Workout,” PK Baseline website, January 25, 2016; https://www.pkbaseline.com/kendall-jenner-diet-workout.
Shunatona, B., “Guess Which Kardashian Sister Hasn’t Worked Out in Months,” Cosmopolitan website, March 17, 2016; http://www.cosmopolitan.com/health-fitness/news/a55373/kendall-jenner-diet-and-exercise-routine/.