Lea Michele’s Fitness Secret: Scream Queens Star Starts Her Morning with SoulCycle Workout

Scream Queens star Lea Michele’s fitness routine is pretty intense. The actress recently posted one of her workout routines on Instagram this past week. The star noted that she just took part in a SoulCycle workout. Perhaps you’ve heard of SoulCycle, but what exactly is involved in one of these classes?


What Is the SoulCycle Workout?

SoulCycle is a 45-minute class which combines cycling with a powerful spiritual experience. The class typically begins with dimmed lights and lit candles with accompanying music played by the instructor to help motivate participants.

The promise of SoulCycle is to help you burn fat fast. And it’s not just one of Lea Michele’s favorite workouts—other celebrities are addicted to SoulCyle too, including Katie Holmes and Kelly Ripa. The classes have actually become so popular that it’s advised that you reserve your seat online a week beforehand.

Although SoulCycle may sound like a typical spinning class, there are some key differences. For starters, SoulCycle has a stronger focus on the core muscles. There is also use of light weights to help further tone the upper body. Michele noted on her Instagram post that she never felt happier or stronger than after she completed a class.

Lea Michele’s Workout Routine

Aside from SoulCycle, Michele also enjoys hiking, hot yoga, and jumping rope, and she pairs these exercises with her healthy eating habits. Michele also seems to celebrate her accomplishments with some sort of physical activity. For example, when she wrapped up filming Glee, she headed straight to the trails for a hike. She has also been known to perform yoga outdoors.

Michele looks great and it definitely shows, especially on her nude cover of Women’s Health. Michele also posted a shot of the cover shot of that issue on Instagram; it takes a lot to be that comfortable in your own skin to pose nude.

Michele finds peace and stress relief through exercise. The actress is looking better than ever and is once again stealing the spotlight. Whether she’s toning her body through SoulCyle or any other activity, Michele is all about feeling great and getting stronger.

Foley, M., “9 Ways Lea Michele Inspires Us to Get Moving Every Day,” PopSugar website, http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Lea-Michele-Workout-Diet-37062927?stream_view=1#opening-slide, last accessed August 1, 2016.
Michele, Lea; Instagram post, July 31, 2016; https://www.instagram.com/p/BIjM5LiBSAX/?taken-by=msleamichele.



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