McDonald’s Easter Hours: Is it Open Today?

For all those who want to know McDonald’s Easter hours, we have good news. Most McDonald’s restaurants may be open for business on Easter Sunday. One of the world’s most-loved fast food chains might take a holiday today.

McDonald’s will be serving its customers during normal hours of operation on Easter Sunday 2018 (April 1st, 2018). Most McDonald’s locations will remain open for Easter, but some might not be operating on a normal schedule. They will open a little later than usual on Easter and will serve patrons until midnight only.

Easter is a joyous time for Christians. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ with good food and wine. In keeping with the Easter festivities, some McDonald’s locations might open with a new spring menu!

McDonald’s New Spring Treats

Coffee Lover’s, you are in for a treat. McDonalds will be introducing three new coffee treats startiing from April, Easter Sunday.


Iced Turtle Macchiato, Turtle Macchiato, and Iced Turtle Coffee are the three new beverages joining the line up of the popular McCafe beverages.

With frequent new additions to their drinks and snacks, most people perhaps go to McDonald’s quite often. Each year, McDonald’s surprises its customers with a new food item or drink. For example, last year, they brought frozen Coke at select stores, along with frozen lemonade. We still cherish the Cherry Berry Chiller and the Frozen Strawberry Lemonade from a few summers ago. McDonald’s menu is a favorite for most of us.

Also last year, McDonald’s Easter special included a special McFlurry in its dessert menu. They launched the Cadbury Crème Egg McFlurry. However, the English McDonald’s have been serving them for years!

Many fast food chains will remain closed on Easter, including McDonald’s. But this might not be true for all the McDonald’s outlets. So, if you are looking forward to McDonald’s breakfast on Easter Sunday, it is best to call up your nearest McDonald’s restaurant to confirm their availability.


“McDonald’s Holiday Hours Open/Closed,” HolidayShoppingHours;, last accessed April 10, 2017

“McDonald’s New Menu Item Sounds Like the Perfect Spring Treat,” ComicBook, April 7, 2017;, last accessed April 10, 2017.

“McDonald’s is releasing 3 new drinks for spring!,” KGW8, March 26, 2018;, last accessed March 26, 2018.
