Photo credit: London Entertainment /Splash
Modern Family star Sofia Vergara has a sweet tooth; her candy addiction is something she continuously struggles with. However, she still manages to follow a healthy diet.
The star posted a recent image of herself next to a cake from Brazil, and is also known to post pictures of other baked delights including cupcakes, donuts, and cookies.
As one of the highest paid TV actors currently gracing our screens, Vergara still manages to look amazing—despite there being so much dessert around her. But how does she do it all, and what fitness secrets is she harboring?
A photo posted by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara) on
Sofia Vergara’s Fitness Secrets
So how does the Colombian beauty manage to look amazing, all while indulging in cake and other treats?
It seems the actor’s biggest secret isn’t so secret—Vergara has incorporated plenty of weight lifting into her life, as she recognizes that with age comes muscle loss. For women in particular, weight lifting is important to not only maintain muscle mass but to keep bones strong
Other fitness secrets include taking breaks on the weekend, which means that from Monday to Friday, she is very much dedicated to the gym and eating healthy. Once the weekend rolls around, she then treats herself.
Vergara also doesn’t run, as she has bad knees. Instead, she uses a machine called the Megaformer, which combines cardio, weight, and balance training.
Unlike many other celebrities, Vergara comes from Colombia, where having curves is very much praised. This could definitely be an advantage for her because she doesn’t need to worry about achieving a stick-figure body. As a Latina woman, Vergara embraces her figure and doesn’t try to work against it.
Lastly, Vergara tries to maintain balance in her—she spends as much time with friends and family as she can when she’s not on set for Modern Family, and she ensures she has time for cake. What good is living if you can’t have something sweet every now and then?
A photo posted by Sofia Vergara (@sofiavergara) on
The Colombian beauty and actor Sofia Vergara can really be a role model for many. Not only does she look amazing, but she knows how to enjoy herself. If we take a page from her fitness book, we may find that we are becoming happier overall.
Kapusta, M., “Sofia Vergara looks to be on a sugar-filled diet (photos),” The Celebrity Café web site,, last accessed September 15, 2016.