NASCAR Driver Danica Patrick Shares Fitness Secrets on Instagram: Healthy Food, Yoga

Danica Patrick
Photo credit: Splash News

NASCAR driver Danica Patrick recently shared a healthy food dish on Instagram that consisted of half an avocado, some steamed greens, and what appeared to be egg whites, but some commenters on the post noted that it looked like vanilla ice cream.

Aside from eating healthy, Patrick manages to keep her smoking bikini body by pairing her diet with yoga. And she shows off her skills as much as she can.

It doesn’t matter where Patrick is; she is most likely going to perform yoga. Her most recent adventure was performing yoga in a bikini on a boat with a friend. Not only did Patrick show off her yoga skills on that trip, but she also revealed her amazing and solid six pack abs when she jumped into the water.

Although Patrick is a race car driver, her Instagram account looks more like a fitness and wellness motivation page as she is constantly posting healthy food creations along with her yoga moves.

Have a healthy day! ?

A photo posted by Danica Patrick (@danicapatrick) on

She has even partnered up with Williams-Sonoma to develop a spatula, and the sales will go to the charity No Kid Hungry.

Danica Patrick’s Healthy Eating and Yoga

Patrick’s love for yoga began as early as the age of 19, when she would follow yoga DVDs in her home in England –some 14 years ago. Although she managed to do yoga for many years, she did fall off the wagon for some time. However, she embraced being a Yogi once again when she connected with a friend in Arizona.

What's a Chicago boat trip without a yoga pic! ?

A photo posted by Danica Patrick (@danicapatrick) on

Yes….We are scared of the water and things unknown…. But we still jump in.

A video posted by Danica Patrick (@danicapatrick) on

Patrick admitted that getting back into yoga was hard because she was into intense workouts, and she felt that yoga wasn’t offering her intensity like other workouts were. Currently, Patrick does not replace her other workouts with yoga but rather adds yoga onto her other workouts. Furthermore, because she is a competitive person, she always tries to push herself to see how good she can get at certain yoga moves.

As for her other workouts, Patrick is an avid CrossFitter.

For her yoga routines, she follows a website – YogaGlo – where there are over 3,000 different classes she can filter through in order to find one she is feeling that day.

She has credited techniques that she has learned in yoga, including breathing and relaxation, with helping her to become a better racecar driver. She finds that yoga has made her a more positive person and also helps her overcome setbacks and challenges that may arise in her career.

As for her diet, it was when she was living in England that she learned how to cook. Her mentality is that if you want to eat healthy, you need to cook for yourself so you know what’s going into your food.

Over the past little while, Patrick has focused her diet on organic food and juicing and has noted that she rarely craves pizza or anything fried – what self control!

Even though she is a racecar driver, Danica Patrick trains and lives as if she is an Olympic athlete. You wouldn’t think so, but it’s important to stay quite fit in driving because the impeding heat and G-force is working against you when you’re going around the track.

As Patrick continues to perfect her yoga skills, many of her fans are waiting on her to put out a cookbook so they can follow the NASCAR professional’s eating habits.

Blades, N., “Danica Patrick talks yoga, healthy eating, and life away from the track,” EPSN W,, last accessed September 26, 2016.