Photo credit: OpenTable
Do you like to eat and travel? Everyone loves a restaurant dining experience with a view. Imagine enjoying the Manhattan skyline from New York City’s Rainbow Room, or the stunning San Francisco Bay waters from The Caprice in Tiburon, California. The #OpenTable100 highlights the “100 most scenic restaurants in America for 2016.”
The OpenTable list is a reflection of over five million restaurant reviews of over 20,000 restaurants in the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, which were submitted from July 1, 2015 to May 31, 2016 by verified by OpenTable diners.
Restaurants with a minimum overall score and number of qualifying reviews were considered for the OpenTable list. The qualifying restaurants were then scored and sorted by the percentage of reviews that had selected the option “great for outdoor dining.”
The top 100 restaurants feature scenery like breathtaking waterfronts and dramatic urban backdrops. Some of the restaurants are found mountainside, while others are atop a city skyscraper. Overall, the winning restaurants provide extraordinary views that showcase the beauty of the amazing scenery that America has to offer, while offering delicious food at the same time.
The complete OpenTable list features restaurants from 34 states, with around 25% located in California. The most common types of restaurants are American-fare dining spots that feature menu items like burgers, sandwiches, and salads. That being said, seafood and steak are also popular menu choices in the restaurants on the list, while international menus—Asian, Latin American, Peruvian, Italian, and French—are also present.
Waterfront Dining: 15 Point Road Tops OpenTable List
Three Rhode Island restaurants made OpenTable’s 2016 list of the 100 most scenic restaurants in America, including 15 Point Road in Portsmouth, Boat House Waterfront Dining in Tiverton, and The Dining Room at Castle Hill Inn in Newport.
15 Point Road is found along the Sakonnet River that leads to the ocean. The water can be viewed from inside and outside the restaurant. This scenic restaurant fittingly features seafood menu items. The restaurant is often busy, but not crowded, and its visitors get to enjoy an enchanted moonlit river view. When you approach the doorway, you get to see fresh herbs growing just off the deck of the building. Across the river, you see local fishing boats make their way to the Tiverton fish market.
Boat House Waterfront Dining in Tiverton also sits along the Sakonnet River, while The Dining Room at Castle Hill Inn features stunning views of the Newport Bridge and the watercraft and sailboats on Narragansett Bay.
OpenTable reviewers also cited a variety of cityscapes and dynamic urban views. For example, Top of the World at the Stratosphere hotel and casino offers a beautiful view of the Las Vegas Strip. You also get to see the incredible Boston skyline at Top of the Hub.
The OpenTable List
In total, California has 24 restaurants on the list, Washington has 10, and Florida has seven. New York and Nevada have four restaurants each. Virginia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Oregon, North Carolina, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Arizona each have three. Other restaurants on the list are from Wisconsin, Utah, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Mississippi, Minnesota, Maine, Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Hawaii, Colorado, Alabama, and Alaska.
The complete OpenTable list of the 100 most scenic restaurants in America for 2016 can be seen at opentable.com.
Potter, C., “Look Out! The 100 Most Scenic Restaurants in America 2016 #OpenTable100,” OpenTable web site, July 27, 2016; http://blog.opentable.com/2016/look-out-the-100-most-scenic-restaurants-in-america-2016-opentable100/.
“About 15 Point Road,” OpenTable web site; http://www.opentable.com/15-point-road?ref=8101#, last accessed August 8, 2016.