Stephen Parker (Father)
(160 cm)
(123.5 lbs)
(94-61-87 cm)
Playing Carrie Bradshaw in the HBO’s romantic sitcom Sex and the City from 1998 to 2004. She was also the executive producer of the show. Sarah also appeared in the film of same name in 2008.
Sarah Jessica Parker, HBO’s Sex and the City star, feels that being active isn’t just about working out. Fitness does not always come out of sweating out at the gym alone.
What your body needs is just some simple exercises and a healthy diet to stay fit. It keeps you looking young too.
Her exercise routine includes running, climbing stairs, and yoga. She adores horseback riding, swimming, weight lifting, karate, and cycling.
Only relying on exercises for weight loss and not eating healthy will not be very effective. Heading to the gym is not only the way to work out. Exercises can be as simple as a walk in the park or running with your dog.
Parker prefers accomplishing the journey of picking up her kids from school or running errands on foot. She walks everywhere she can and hops onto the bike only for long distances. Apart from this, she practices yoga to shape up her body and relax her mind.
Parker loves food and likes to eat cheese, bacon, and pasta. She discards the idea that we need to eat to live, but instead she lives to eat.