Why a Cup of Yogurt a Day Can Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes is always worth talking about. It is so prevalent in our society that constant exploration and conversation is essential. Knowing what you can do to avoid it, how you can fight it, and the numerous things you can do to protect yourself from it is necessary information.

The reason why this conversation is important is because type 2 diabetes is largely related to lifestyle. Basically, I like to look at it as a disease a large number of people give to themselves. Diabetes doesn’t come and get most people; people go and get diabetes by making poor lifestyle choices.

As I’m sure you’re aware by now, diet has a huge impact on an individual’s diabetes risk and their ability to control it or fight it off. Researchers from England have found yet another source of nutrition that can reduce your risk and help prevent diabetes.

If you’re not eating low-fat dairy or yogurt already, you might want to start. A new study shows eating yogurt can lower the risk of developing diabetes by 28%.


The researchers arrived at this number by tracking yogurt consumption from a large sample, and comparing the risk between yogurt eaters and non-yogurt eaters.

Furthermore, people who ate fermented low-fat dairy products, like low-fat cheese, lowered their risk of type 2 diabetes by 24%.

The team was unsure of exactly how these foods contributed to the reduced rate, but speculated on the reasoning. They figured, based on prior evidence, that the calcium, vitamin D, beneficial fatty acids, vitamin K, and probiotics all play a role in promoting a healthy body, helping to prevent diabetes.

Yogurt is also a snack that’s easily consumed in place of junk food. Instead of getting calories from an unhealthy food source that can contribute to diabetes, like candy or chips, yogurt replaces them by offering beneficial calories. Can yogurt prevent diabetes? This sounds like a great reason to enjoy a cup of yogurt every day.

When you buy yogurt, remember to check the label. Stay away from added sugars that can negate its positive benefits. The best thing to do is to buy plain yogurt, adding your own berries, almonds, or honey to provide extra flavor.


Reinberg, S., “Could Low-Fat Yogurt Help Ward Off Diabetes?” Health Day web site, February 5, 2014; http://consumer.healthday.com/diabetes-information-10/type-ii-diabetes-news-183/low-fat-yogurt-may-help-ward-off-diabetes-study-684597.html, last accessed February 10, 2014.



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