Teens Who Drink and Smoke Pot Have Poorer Academic Performance: Study

According to a new study published online in the journal Addiction, teens who drink alcohol and use marijuana throughout middle school and high school are more likely to have worse outcomes in high school for academics and health.

The study, conducted by researchers at the nonprofit global policy think tank RAND Corporation, took place over seven years.

Alcohol, Marijuana and Teens: Survey Summary


According to study researchers, it’s important for parents and educations to talk to youth—especially non-white youth about alcohol and marijuana use from an early age. For one, preexisting factors that that weren’t included in the study, such as parental involvement, racial discrimination, or home environments, could have played a role in the teens’ alcohol and marijuana use.

Researchers suggest that young people need to better understand the consequences of marijuana (i.e. its potential effect on a developing brain and how it can potentially affect academic performance, according to study results).


Increasing protective factors (i.e. parental support, etc.) could possibly help, conclude study researchers.


Source for Today’s Article:

D’Amico, E. J., et al., “Alcohol and marijuana use trajectories in a diverse longitudinal sample of adolescents: examining use patterns from age 11 to 17 years,” Addiction, Version of Record online: Jun 14, 2016; doi: 10.1111/add.13442.



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