“The Hills” Star Kristin Cavallari’s New Cookbook Reflects her Daily Diet

Photo credit: Photographer Group / Splash New
Kristin Cavallari

Photo credit: Photographer Group / Splash New

The Hills star Kristin Cavallari recently spilled the beans about her new cookbook deal. Cavallari has revealed to E! News that the cookbook will be a reflection of her daily eating habits.

The blonde-haired beauty has said that she put on weight while she was shooting for the reality show, The Hills. The mother of three started trimming herself after she came across a plump pic of hers.

Now Cavallari is all about a balanced diet that follows the 80/20 rule. Eighty percent of the time she is eating healthy and for the other 20 percent, she treats herself to indulgent snacks. On those cheat days she enjoys whatever she wants.

In her current book Balancing in Heels, which tracks her journey from reality TV starlet to successful businesswoman, she shared that she refrains from counting calories and instead takes a closer look at the ingredients. And if she finds something harmful, she avoids it. This change has made her feel happiest and healthiest, she admits.

Cavallari’s new cookbook is scheduled to be released in spring 2018. For the curious fans who are not looking to wait so long, here is a sample of her daily diet.

Her diet is reportedly loaded with proteins, veggies, beans, grass-fed beef, fish, bison, green and leafy veggies, and sides with butter.

She has abandoned highly acidic and junk foods from her diet. After some health issues due to considerable amount of meat consumption, she abandoned it too.

She sticks to a gluten-free diet and opts for organic and wholesome nutrient – dense foods.

For the pasta cravings, she opts for dishes made from brown rice pasta. Her indulgent snacks are comprised of better ingredients as well!

She has a big appetite for sweets and enjoys desserts but in a healthy way with ingredients like pure maple syrup, spelt flour, brown rice, or oat flour.

Her baked goods are free of white or brown sugar. Cavallari chooses coconut sugar for added sweetness.

The actress does share pics of herself baking some delicacies.

Scrambled eggs, oatmeal mixed with coconut oil, maple syrup and ground flaxseeds, and chia-oat cups covered with berries, chocolate chips, shaved coconut and almonds are among her favorites.

Her day starts with a green juice made from a secret ingredient – peppermint extract. She blends it with avocado, spinach, and banana and says it tastes like a mint ice cream shake. It is helpful to soothe an upset stomach, according to Cavallari.

Cavallari’s breakfast includes a green smoothie, hard-boiled eggs, and oatmeal.

For snacks, she munches on chips with hummus, dried cherries, nuts, almond butter, and apple.

Her lunch is comprised of a turkey sandwich loaded with veggies.

Her dinner is pretty simple and light and includes vegetable soup and steamed brown rice.

Davison, C., “What Kristin Cavallari Actually Eats in a Day,” Delish web site, April 14, 2016; http://www.delish.com/food-news/a46828/what-kristin-cavallari-eats-celebrity-diets/.