The Diet That Prepared Jennifer Aniston for Her Stripper Role

Even hot celebrities like Jennifer Aniston are nervous about their weight and body sometimes. The 44-year-old actress took it to another extreme when she was preparing for her stripper role in her upcoming film, We’re the Millers, which opens August 7. To stay in shape and make sure her body looked as young as ever, she went on an intense celebrity diet, featuring a lot of protein and lots of kale.

Jennifer Aniston said her celebrity diet consisted of eating lots of greens and vegetables—especially kale. And whenever she wanted to cheat on her celebrity diet, she turned to kale chips (although that doesn’t really sound like cheating to us). Her celebrity diet was also a high-protein diet. In particular, she ate a lot of lean chicken to stay in shape.

But eating healthy is not the only thing Jennifer Aniston does to stay in shape. She’s also a follower of Mandy Ingber’s “Yogalosophy” program, which consists of a combination of yoga and toning exercises. But while she may look great in the film—her body definitely looks like it’s never been in better shape—this intense celebrity diet wasn’t all fun and games. The actress admits that she probably wouldn’t keep up this intense fitness level on a regular basis. “I was in the kind of shape I don’t enjoy being in because it feels a little too fit,” the star told USA Today.

Jennifer Aniston’s focused, high-protein, high-kale celebrity diet is definitely hard to maintain. Do you think it’s worth it to diet for a role or occasion (like a wedding), or is it better to try and stay in shape in general, without overdoing it?



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