The Top 5 Facebook Pages for the Health Foodie

Even billionaire business moguls like to challenge themselves sometimes. In fact, that’s what Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg did in 2011, as he challenged himself to be more thankful for the food he eats. This included living primarily a vegetarian lifestyle and only occasionally eating animals he killed himself such as lobsters and chickens. His intent sounded compassionate, choosing alternative methods of killing his food.

This way he knew exactly where his food comes from. It doesn’t sound very vegetarian, but at least he knew big corporations weren’t harming his food. When Zuckerberg posted on Facebook that he killed a pig and a goat, it sparked much confusion, curiosity, and disgust among his followers—however, it did advocate a non-processed eating lifestyle. He also learned a lot about sustainable farming and how animals are raised.

When it comes to healthy food and better eating habits awareness, there are several advocates out there on Facebook that support natural living and holistic wellness, while offering an abundance of health tips and recipes.

I have several favorite healthy food-oriented Facebook Pages that I “like.”


Here are my top five—not including FoodsForBetterHealth’s Facebook page, of course.

I Support Farmers Markets

This Facebook page promotes self-sufficient communities and food safety, educating people about organic choices. Advocates of farmers markets point out that there are 7,864 local farmers markets in the U.S., compared to only 4,100 Walmarts. 

Over 198,000 people view information on farmers markets from all around the U.S. with positive articles and photos about foods you would find at your local farmer’s market. Check out their Facebook page.

100 Days of Real Food

100 Days of Real Food is a blog’s Facebook page by American Lisa Leake, focusing on cutting out processed food from your diet. Leake and her family pledged from May through September 2010 to go 100 solid days without consuming a single ounce of highly processed or refined food. She now continues to urge families to improve their health by taking 10-day pledges of removing processed or refined foods as well.

The Facebook page contains great, unprocessed food recipes and tips for any time of day. Over 560,000 people enjoy the page.

The Earth Diet

Australian Liana Werner-Gray is the founder and owner of The Earth Diet, based in New York. She is an actress, a former Miss Earth Australia and a sought-after speaker, advocating natural healthy, through proper diet and lifestyle, or foods from the earth.

Werner-Gray says her diet plan recipes have helped people improve or even entirely heal health conditions such as depression, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Over 88,800 enjoy The Earth Diet’s Facebook page with health programs, healthy lifestyle-oriented information, unique infographics, jump-off-the-page photos, and savory earth-based recipes.

Non-GMO Project

The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to educating people about the benefits of non-GMO (genetically modified) products and choices.

This Facebook page keeps you updated on everything non-GMO from what companies are receiving Non-GMO Project Verifications, to creating Monsanto awareness in North America. Over 230,000 support the Non-GMO Project Facebook page.

Edible Wild Foods

Have you ever wondered what you can eat on a walk through trails in your local park? Canadian Karen Stephenson informs people which edible weeds and plants in nature are safe for you to eat, and which ones you should stay away from, while you forage.

Edible Wild Foods proves that healthy food can be all around us—free in fact. Check out Stephenson’s edible wild food eating advice, recipes and articles on her Facebook page.

Sellers, P., “Mark Zuckerberg’s new challenge: Eating only what he kills (and yes, we do mean literally,” CNN Money web site, May 26, 2011;



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