Victoria Justice and Christina Milian looked incredible as they promoted the Rocky Horror Show. Both stunning women keep themselves fit with a super healthy diet. Here is a look into their diet and workout routine.
Victoria Justice and Christina Milian’s Diet and Workout
Victoria Justice is not your average celebrity when it comes to fitness and working out. She’s not really one for hitting the gym every day. In fact, she rarely used to go to the gym. Instead, her busy schedule and lifestyle as an actress is enough to keep her in shape. The workout she prefers and loves is dancing. She likes to attend group classes, specifically twerking classes. She says she feels free when taking them and she can feel the burn in her hips and thighs right away! She also likes to do squats to keep her buttocks toned and tight, and she likes to go for long walks as a form of cardio. Although she does not do these things often, she is known to on occasion.
Justice also works out with a personal trainer and says they pretty much do everything together—crunches, push ups, squats, jump rope, and lifting free weights. She admits that working out gives her lots of energy and makes her feel great. Another thing that’s a part of Justice’s lifestyle is meditation. She tries to meditate every day, even if it’s for 10 minutes. She also likes to read inspirational quotes to keep her motivated.
Her diet is relaxed as well: she is not the type of celebrity that counts calories or obsesses over carbohydrate consumption. Here is what a typical day of eating might look like for Justice:
Breakfast: For breakfast, Justice might eat some egg whites with toast, a protein shake with rice milk and greens, and a spoonful of fish oil, which is a healthy fat.
Lunch: Justice may eat some green veggies or a large green salad with some form of protein. She loves bacon.
Dinner: Justice could opt for grilled steak, a baked potato, and creamed spinach. She likes sushi a lot, so sometimes she might have that for dinner.
Justice has practiced extreme dieting before because years ago because she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease. She was advised by a Korean acupuncturist to follow a very strict pescatarian diet—she could only eat fish and did not eat any sugar, wheat, or dairy. She say’s that it cleared up her skin, although she doesn’t follow it anymore. She is a huge fan of supplements and takes magnesium, fish oil, a B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin D. She also drinks plenty of water to keep herself hydrated.
As for Christina Milian, she loves to work out, and does so six days a week. She often goes to the gym for thirty-minute sweat sessions, but also likes running, lunges, ab work, sit ups, and squats. She predominantly does strength training and cardio to tone her amazing body. She also uses exercise as an outlet for stress. Her passion for dance has also kept her fit, healthy, and happy. She likes to spend time with her daughter Violet too—together they swim and do other playful activities that keep her moving.
Milian suffered a severe reaction to radishes. Since the outbreak, she has become more vigilant about reading the labels in food and sticks with a protein diet that has few processed foods. She loves junk foods like Cheetos and Oreos but stays away from them. She eats clean, organic, and nutritious foods instead like leafy greens and veggies, salmon, turkey bacon, and egg whites.
“Victoria Justice Workout Routine and Diet Plan” Healthy Celeb website; http://healthyceleb.com/victoria-justice-workout-routine-and-diet-plan/2558; last accessed October 21, 2016.