Thanksgiving Food Coma: 10 Ways to Recover from Post-Thanksgiving Food Coma

After stuffing the turkeys for Thanksgiving 2016, are you feeling like a stuffed turkey yourself? Well, even though we weren’t invited, we know you must have feasted like royalty. Who can resist pouncing on a table full of delectable foods? Now, if you are wondering how to recover from a Thanksgiving food coma, we can help you out.

Here are some effortless tips that can help you come out of it.

Have Eight Glasses of Water Everyday

We know water is the best source of hydration for flushing out the toxins and leaving you with supple skin. But there are many other benefits to the liquid, like the fact that it’s great for fighting constipation, helping with fatigue, and boosting immunity to colds and flu.


Eat Small Meals

Eat five to six small meals a day rather than three large ones. This will boost your metabolism and won’t make you feel heavy. Eat meals as big as your fist; fruits and veggies are an exception.

Start Your Day Right with a Healthy Breakfast

Eat a wholesome breakfast like oatmeal with some nuts, fresh fruits with yogurt, or an hard-boiled egg and some green juice.

Eat Fresh Fruits and Veggies with Every Meal

Fruits and veggies are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. They help you have radiant skin and are beneficial for your hair, too. Have one to two servings of fruits and veggies with every meal.

Portion Control

There are some high-carb, high-sugar, coma-inducing foods that will make you want to eat more, but be aware. It will definitely harm you in the long run. Eat fibrous foods that have high water content.

Increase Consumption of Raw Vegetables

Ensure you increase the intake of raw veggies in form of salads, juices, and snacks. This will help you get the optimal levels of nutrients into your diet. You can even go for cold press juices that preserve its nutrient content.

Don’t Cut Out Carbs

Don’t cut wholesome foods like quinoa, brown rice, farro, oats, barley, soba noodles, and legumes, like lentils, from your diet.

Instead, cut out white bread and white pasta.

Get More Fiber

Consume lots of beans and nuts since they are full of fiber.

Also eat lots of fruits and veggies like apples, squash, broccoli, blueberries, and kale.

Eat plenty of whole grains like steel-cut oats, whole-grain granola, whole-wheat pasta, and quinoa.


If you feel hungry in between meals, have healthy snacks like fruits or nuts. You can even opt for no-calorie, protein-rich hard-boiled egg. Avoid munching on chips, cakes, pastries, and other savories.

Drink herbal and digestive teas on a regular basis. Tea curbs appetite and also helps induce a restful sleep, while fighting off illness.

Change Your Lifestyle

Stay active to keep your body and mind at its healthiest. Work out for at least 20 minutes a day to feel good. You don’t head to the gym to get a work out, but incorporating some simple exercises like walking, jogging, and hiking into your everyday routine does wonders.

You can also try yoga to feel relaxed. If visiting the spa is in your budget, don’t miss it. A massage can cure various ailments and will help you work through that food coma too.


Fleischaker, E., “10 Ways To Recover From A Food Coma,” Buzz Feed web site, November 27, 2012;, last accessed November 25, 2016.

Kristy, L., “Your Post-Thanksgiving Food Coma Recovery Plan,” Thistle web site, November 17, 2016;, last accessed November 25, 2016.



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