Yoga and Balanced Diet Keep Cameron Diaz and Russell Simmons Healthy

April 6, 2016 - New York, New York, United States:  Cameron Diaz promotes her new book "The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, The Biology of Strength, And The Privilege of Time," at Barnes & Noble Union Square. Pictured: Cameron Diaz Ref: SPL1258883  060416   Picture by: AR Photo/Splash News Splash News and Pictures Los Angeles:310-821-2666 New York:	212-619-2666 London:	870-934-2666

Credit: AR Photo/Splash News

Today is International Yoga Day.

Yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual practice that is practiced worldwide—but the combination of yoga, exercise, and a balanced diet have kept celebrities like Cameron Diaz and mogul Russell Simmons looking young and healthy, despite getting older.

Cameron Diaz Fitness Inspired by Diet and Exercise

Although Cameron Diaz is 41, she is in great shape. She does yoga, exercises regularly at the gym, and follows a balanced diet. Much of her lifestyle was featured in her 2013 book The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body.


Cameron Diaz once lived on refined sugary and processed foods like soda and cheesy foods. The Cameron Diaz diet now avoids processed foods and features foods that are not only healthy, but taste good too. In the morning she drinks a large bottle of water, and then she eats a big breakfast featuring creative combos such as oatmeal with sautéed collard greens and zucchini. Her lunch may include vegetables, grains, and fish or chicken. Dinner will focus on vegetables and a small protein portion. Lemons and probiotics are also a big part of her diet plan.

However, Diaz admits that she still splurges on french fries from time to time.

What Makes Russell Simmons Stick to Yoga and a Vegan Diet?  

Russell Simmons, 58, has three fundamental components to his lifestyle: meditation, practicing yoga, and eating only plant. Simmons became a vegan after starting his yoga practice. Simmons follows the eight limbs of yoga, which serve as guidelines on how to live a purposeful and meaningful life. Yama is the first limb of yoga, and it focuses of nonviolence, or ahimsa. Simmons then became vegan in the mid-1990s because of his position of nonviolence toward animals.

Russell Simmons vegan diet has also been the topic of conversation in his 2015 co-authored book, The Happy Vegan: A Guide to Living a Long, Healthy, and Successful Life. In the book Simmons talks about the mental, spiritual, and physical benefits he has experienced by eating only plant-based/vegan food.

Simmons is also the owner of Tantris, a yoga lifestyle brand that features yoga studios and apparel.

How should you celebrate this International Day of Yoga? Take a page out of the books of Cameron Diaz and Russell Simmons. Although meat-eater Diaz and vegan Simmons have different diets and lifestyles, they continue to be active and healthy.

Sources for Today’s Article:

Diaz, C., “Cameron Diaz exclusive: You are what you eat,” Mail Online website, January 22, 2014;

Flam, L., “Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons shares secrets of being a ‘happy’ vegan,” Today Health & Wellness website, July 21, 2015;



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