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Actress Cameron Diaz is also an author and this past April she published her second book, The Longevity Book, which is a follow-up to the 2013 New York Times bestseller, The Body Book.
This new book examines history, biology, and the women’s health movement, and how these pieces are all part of the puzzle that influences a woman’s aging from her thirties well into mid-life. Living a healthy life is what Diaz wants to share with readers and fans because she feels she is doing just that.
In Diaz’s second book, she advises women on how to embrace aging and what can be done to move through each stage of the aging process with grace and success. She observed the women around her and noticed that as they aged, they became more self-possessed. They had a sense of having been there (a previous stage), having done it, learned from it, failed perhaps, and then succeeded.
Diaz sees inner beauty as shining through when a woman has gone through a number of phases and says it is apparent in how that woman dresses and holds herself.
Another way that Diaz sees older women improving with age is in the way that they don’t apologize all the time and hold themselves with respect. Being strong enough to be vulnerable is beautiful, according to Diaz, who says that she herself is just starting to learn this.
And she believes it’s something that young women can’t appreciate; it is insight only granted to those who have undergone at least some of the aging process, by about 40. Diaz says that aging is about living, getting to grow old and having another day to live; but in order to do that, you need to be fit and healthy and love who you are and the body you’ve been given.
Cameron Diaz’s Healthy Routine
Growing up, Diaz had a poor body image. She says everyone made fun of her because she was very skinny. She felt embarrassed and those messages stuck with her well into her teen years.
Workouts and diet are part of her new book, and she offers tips on what has worked for her and many women. Diaz admits that she needs to work out – not working out is not an option.
One of the exercises she does in her workout routine is plank push-ups, and she usually does three sets of eight repetitions. When she wants to add more intensity, Diaz adds a medicine ball to the routine and exercises.
For her glutes, she does a reverse dumbbell lunge, and she loves to do mountain climbers to strengthen her legs. She does dead lifts to work her arms and get them muscular and toned. Other activities she loves to do are running, yoga, weightlifting, and Pilates. Her book places her as a bit of a fitness guru.
“Cameron Diaz Explores Secrets to Aging Well: It’s How Well You Live,” ABC News web site; http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/cameron-diaz-explores-secrets-aging-book/story?id=38142508, last accessed July 5, 2016.