The foods you eat can help you look younger than ever. We’re sharing our best anti-aging food tips in this three-part series–personal tips on the top anti-aging foods to eat, to help you look younger and feel better than ever!
Day One
Anti-Aging Diet Recipe
Print recipe
- 1/2 - 2/3 cup of quick oats
- 1/4 cup of raw almonds (walnuts)
- 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries
- 5% cream
- 2 scoops of cold-filtered whey protein powder.
Add boiling water to oats, let stand for five minutes. | |
Add nuts, blueberries, whey protein, and cream. | |
In addition, medium roast coffee cups with one ounce of 5% cream. |
- 4-5 ounces of ground turkey patty
- 2/3 cup of curried brown rice and peas
- 1 bottle of spring water or diet soda
- 1 medium-large banana.
- 4-5 ounces low-fat cottage cheese
- 1/2 cup of non-fat yogurt with 1/4 cup of raw almonds (walnuts)
- 3/4-1 cup of frozen mixed fruit
- 1 medium skinless chicken breast
- 1 medium sweet potato
- 1-2 cups of mixed vegetables
- 1 banana
- Occasionally I may also have 1-2 glasses of red wine.
- 4-5 ounce turkey patty
- 1 medium sweet potato
- 1-2 cups grilled vegetables (bell peppers, zucchini)
When you are trying to look younger, you have to eat right. My three-day anti-aging food diet is perfect for people who want to stay in the best shape of their lives. Stay tuned to next week’s articles with day two and day three of my anti-aging food diet.