Stunning actress Nina Dobrev of The Vampire Diaries follows a healthy diet to keep fit. Not only does she tend to her fitness through diet, but as a former gymnast, she values a good workout, too.
The beautiful brunette has a positive attitude toward living a healthy lifestyle and admits that going to the gym gives her a sense of confidence and accomplishment – heck ya! Clearly she is doing something right, so let’s take a look at how this Hollywood actress stays in shape.
The Nina Dobrev Diet and Workout
The 27-year-old Dobrev has always been athletic. Since her childhood years, she has been involved in sports and dancing, avidly performing ballet. Her enthusiasm for fitness even spread to her involvement in gymnastics.
It’s very clear to see that Dobrev is not in any way a stranger to physical activity or to working up a sweat. In fact, according to Dobrev, she thrives on it and it keeps her happy.
Some of her current workouts include lots of cardio through spinning (on the bicycle), hiking, and surfing; stretching exercises; weight lifting; and running. Her favorite workout is definitely hot yoga. She reportedly does it three or four times per week.
As you might already know, yoga is great for relieving stress and helps bring awareness to the breath as a point of concentration. Dobrev practices Bikram yoga – a vigorous form of hot yoga that combines cardio and stretching. She loves it because it helps calm her mind and decrease anxiety, not to mention it helps to tone her frame.
Dobrev also works out with personal trainer Steve Moyer, who helps the actress with things like balance, coordination, flexibility, endurance and strength in their one-hour sessions together.
The focus of their workouts is to strengthen Dobrev’s core. Her fitness goals included increasing her core strength and improving her fitness and eating habits.
Speaking of eating habits, Dobrev sticks to a diet that is sparse in processed foods. She follows a diet plan that incorporates lots of fresh vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats and a moderate amount of carbohydrates.
She follows a balanced diet plan and practices what trainer Steve Moyer calls “calorie awareness”, which is different from calorie counting. Dobrev doesn’t obsess about calories, but she is aware of the relationship between the amount of calories she consumes and the size of her figure.
She also loves Superfood Protein Balls from “MoyerMeals” – her personal trainer’s meal delivery service. Dobrev tries to eat six small meals per day to keep her metabolism optimally functioning. Some of the snacks she keeps with her while on the road include apples, almonds and other nuts. Most recently, Dobrev posted a photo of fresh salmon, olive oil and lemon on Instagram.
Evidently salmon is another healthy protein that she includes in her diet. Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and based on her caption, it sounds like Dobrev enjoys cooking her own meals at home, which is a great way to stay healthy and avoid excess fats and calories found in restaurants and fast food.
“Nina Dobrev Diet Plan Workout Routine” Healthy Celeb website; http://healthyceleb.com/nina-dobrev-diet-plan-workout-routine/27614; last accessed September 23, 2016.
Aldridge, K., “How to Get Bikini-Ready like Nina Dobrev” Shape website; http://www.shape.com/celebrities/star-trainers/how-get-bikini-ready-nina-dobrev; last accessed September 23, 2016.