Known for his portrayal of the ruggedly handsome Jamie Fraser on Outlander, Sam Heughan is adding motivator to his list of credits after founding the My Peak Challenge. MPC is an online community where members can join and receive guidance and support through different social media platforms in order to help them reach their fitness and lifestyle goals. Heughan recently shared an Instagram photo of himself skipping, stating that the community has helped him reach a personal goal.
My Peak Challenge is based around personal goals, not all of which are fitness related. The community’s website recommends checking your bucket list and committing to achieving something you’ve always wanted to do. Once you’ve joined, you are given customized workout and meal plans to help work towards your goal, whether it’s something simple like running a 10-minute mile or more challenging like climbing a mountain. Membership costs $99.00 and includes a welcome gift as well as an annual workout and nutrition program, videos of all exercises outlined, a daily nutrition plan, as well as an exclusive invite to a members-only event where you can meet other MPC members as well as the founders (including Heughan!) Half the cost of every MPC membership also goes to Bloodwise, a charity that funds blood-cancer research.
Sam Heughan’s Secrets to Staying Fit
Heughan’s own fitness goals have been met partially due to the training needed for his role as a Highland warrior. While he was already in good shape due to his enjoyment of running, he needed to bulk up for the role in order to look as though he was tough enough to survive the Scottish wilderness. Weight training and an intense upper body workout were the basis for building his frame and adding muscle mass. He worked with a London-based trainer, learning deadlifts and Olympic lifts and working up to his personal best lift of 396.8lbs. Standing at 6’3, Heughan started off as a lean but strong 180-185 lbs., but after the preparation to play Jamie Fraser, he’d gained over 20 lbs. of muscle, making him appear larger and more intimidating on screen.
Heughan’s diet also played a role in this period of bulking up. He admitted to Men’s Fitness that during this phase he was eating almost everything to keep up with training multiple times a day. He made a point of trying to include healthy protein and carbs in his daily diet, favoring foods like chicken, peanut butter, and sweet potatoes to keep him going. Once filming began, however, it was more difficult to keep this up. So he turned to protein bars and supplements in order to keep his muscle mass.
Try taking on your New Year’s resolutions this year with the support of TV’s favorite highlander by checking out the My Peak Challenge to help reach personal goals and donate to a good cause.
O’Kelly, D., “’Outlander’ Star Sam Heughan Is Ready for Action,” Men’s Fitness web site, http://www.mensfitness.com/life/entertainment/outlander-star-sam-heughan-ready-action, last accessed January 5, 2017.
“My Peak Challenge 2017,” My Peak Challenge web site, http://www.mpc2017.com/, last accessed January 5, 2017.