Cleanse Drinks: 10 Detox Drink Recipes for Effective Cleansing By : James Burt Everyone wants a “cleaner” body. As we’ve been lead to believe as children, a body that has healthier qualities is more…
How Many Eggs Per Day? Eggs Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits Explained By : James Burt There was a time in not-so-distant history that humans ate eggs in almost everything they consumed. Eggs were in pastries, pasta,…
Green Tea Diet: Everything You Need to Know By : James Burt We often hear about how good teas are for you in the press. Health enthusiasts and those interested in organic food…
Lemon Water for Weight Loss and Other Health Benefits By : James Burt There are so many weight loss products out there. If you cruise by any health shop, there are shelves full of…
Peanut Allergy: Foods to Avoid, Allergy Management and Treatment By : James Burt For some, it’s slight; for others, it’s severe. Everything from a small rash or hives to head congestion to complete anaphylaxis…