Red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is a plant that has a legacy thousands of years old and red raspberry leaf tea benefits are many.
Anthropologists believe the fruit of the red raspberry plant was used by our Paleolithic ancestors for nourishment. The fruit was also collected in the wild by citizens of ancient Troy, during the time of Jesus Christ. During the Middle Ages, the fruit gained popularity as a pigment for paintings and manuscripts.
While the red raspberry fruit stands out with its unique flavor and color, the leaves of the plant are also valuable. They’re used to make a potentially therapeutic herbal tea called red raspberry leaf tea, which is particularly favored for its effects on women’s reproductive health.
Traditional healers brewed raspberry leaves into tea, using the drink to mend wounds and relieve diarrhea and colic pain. Research also indicates the red raspberry acts like a uterine relaxant; therefore, it could make labor and delivery easier. It has several other reported benefits as well, making red raspberry a precious plant for humankind.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Nutrition Facts
Red raspberry leaves are rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, and several minerals, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. The leaves also contain antioxidant polyphenols like tannins and flavonoids, which may help protect your cells from free radical damage.
Additionally, red raspberry leaves have small amounts of ellagic acids. Studies have shown the acids can negate carcinogens and even contribute to the self-destruction of cancer cells.
The leaves’ nutrient profile makes red raspberry leaf tea a healthy choice.
Health Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Improves Digestive Function
Although not as popular as a digestive aid, red raspberry leaf tea does help in triggering and coordinating the digestion process and is especially helpful for treating problems such as diarrhea, nausea, or constipation. These symptoms are also frequently linked to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but women aren’t the only population to gain digestive relief from raspberry leaf tea.
Uses in Pregnancy
Benefits during Pregnancy
Research has shown that red raspberry leaf tea can help in speeding labor and reducing complications and interventions during birth.
In one study, scientists discovered that women who consume red raspberry leaf tea regularly are less likely to go past their expected due date or give birth prematurely. They may also be less likely to need assistance during labor or delivery (i.e. artificial membrane rupture, forceps delivery, or vacuum extraction) or require a cesarean section.
Recommended for Third Trimesters
Since ancient times, midwives have used herbal teas including red raspberry leaf tea to manage the uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy and labor.
A study on the use of herbal remedies focused on 600 pregnant women in Norway. Fifty-two percent of the participants regularly used some herbal remedy and 63% of them had tried red raspberry leaf tea.
Red raspberry leaf tea is not only recommended for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, but also to help with first trimester nausea and vomiting.
Helps Shorten Labor
Red raspberry leaves contain a compound called fragarine, which is known to help in toning and tightening muscles in the pelvic area, including the uterine walls, which can help make delivery easier.
A study published in the Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Journal in 1999 followed 108 women in red raspberry leaf tea-induced labor. Findings showed that those who drank red raspberry leaf tea in their last stage of pregnancy had a shorter first stage of labor.
The same study repeated a year later among 192 women found that red raspberry leaf tea had shortened the second stage by an average of 9.59 minutes. However, there was no shortening of the first stage of labor.
Good for Heart Health
Inadequate blood levels of potassium have been closely linked to high blood pressure and a higher heart disease risk, and red raspberry leaf tea is rich in potassium.
According to a study published in Hypertension, people who consumed 4,069 mg of potassium daily had a 49% lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease when compared to the people who only took in around 1,000 mg per day.
Boosts Immune Health
Raspberry leaf has a high concentration of vitamin C, which certain immune system cells require to perform their functions properly. The tonic can be used in a variety of herbal tea recipes for immune support during sickness. It’s even considered safe for children.
Other Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
In addition to treating pregnancy ailments, red raspberry leaf is used in traditional medicine practices to lower excessively high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It is also used to treat cold and fevers, a sore throat, acne, and adrenal fatigue. In children, it’s often used to relieve diarrhea, vomiting, or the flu. It’s also thought to support prostate health among men.
Where to Buy Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
You can buy red raspberry tea leaves from the supermarket as well as from online stores like Amazon.com or Walmart.com, where they are available in a variety of formats. Starwest Botanicals Organic Red Raspberry Leaf Tea is one recommended brand available on Amazon that comes in either one pound or four ounce sizes.
How to Make Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea
1 cup organic red raspberry leaf, 1/4 cup organic rose hips, 1 cup organic nettle leaf
Additional Options
1/4 cup mint leaf
Fresh ginger
1/4 cup chamomile
Mint leaf and fresh ginger are beneficial for digestion while chamomile can calm your nerves and prepare you for a better night’s sleep.
For one cup of tea, boil a cup of water and pour into a mug. Add one to two tablespoons of tea leaves to boiling water and allow to steep for at least 10 minutes. Then strain with a mesh strainer and sweeten with honey or maple syrup.
Other Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Recipes
Homemade Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
8 tablespoons dry red raspberry leaves, 3 tablespoons alfalfa leaves, 2 tablespoons nettle leaves, 3 tablespoons peppermint leaves
Mix all the ingredients and place in a glass container in the refrigerator.
Steep one teaspoon in one cup of hot water. If you’re using cold water, steep three tablespoons in three quarts of water and add a couple of bags of Raspberry Zinger iced tea. Sweeten as needed.
Iced Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
6 cups water, 3 to 4 red raspberry leaf tea bags, 1/2 tablespoon honey or any natural sweetener, 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice, 1/2 cup frozen berries
Boil the water in a large pot. Then remove from heat and place the tea bags in the pot. Let it brew for at least 15 minutes. Once brewed and cooled down, transfer the tea to a large pitcher and mix in the rest of the ingredients. Pour over ice and enjoy. You can store it in the fridge for later consumption.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Smoothie
2 cups cooled red raspberry leaf tea, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 frozen banana
Pour chilled tea and frozen fruits into a blender. Blend the mix to your desired consistency. Enjoy your smoothie!
The Final Word on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Benefits
We know by reading our history that red raspberry has been used by man for millennia for various purposes. Its fruit was consumed by ancient cavemen, its leaves were used to make teas that have several therapeutic properties, and it was also used as a pigment for coloring during medieval times.
Moreover, red raspberry leaves are rich in vitamins B and C, contain several minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron, and also have antioxidant properties.
Red raspberry leaf tea has been shown to have many benefits for women especially, such as making labor progress faster and reducing the risk of complications, reducing nausea and vomiting in the second and third trimesters, and lessening the need for cesarean births. For some, it also improves digestive functions, is good for the heart, and boosts immune health.
You can use it to make wonderful treats for your palate, like red raspberry leaf pregnancy tea, iced red raspberry leaf tea, and red raspberry leaf tea smoothies. You can buy red raspberry leaf tea at your local grocery store or through online vendors like amazon.com and walmart.com. Use it to improve your health and enjoy its taste as well.
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Dr. Mercola, “Facts About Red Raspberry Leaf Tea,” Mercola;
https://articles.mercola.com/teas/red-raspberry-leaf-tea.aspx, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Goodson, A., “Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: Pregnancy, Benefits, and Side Effects,”
Healthline, July 30, 2018;
https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/red-raspberry-leaf-tea, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Jacqueline, “The Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea,” Sweet beet acupuncture,
http://www.sweetbeetacupuncture.com/blog/2018/5/23/the-benefits-of-raspberry-leaf-tea, last accessed October 29.
Howland, G., “The Truth About Red Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy,” Mama Natural, October 28, 2018;
https://www.mamanatural.com/red-raspberry-leaf-tea/, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Sarao, C., “Benefits of Raspberries,” livestrong.com, October 3, 2017;
https://www.livestrong.com/article/419257-benefits-of-raspberries/, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Wells, K., “Red Raspberry Leaf Uses & Benefits (For Pregnancy & More),” Wellness Mama, May 16, 2018;
https://wellnessmama.com/5107/raspberry-leaf/, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Heather, “Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea – A Nourishing Tonic For Two,” mommypotamus, October 16, 2013;
https://www.mommypotamus.com/red-raspberry-leaf-tea-recipe/, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Cheesehead, WI., “Red Raspberry Leaf Tea,” Genius Kitchen, February 22, 2010;
https://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/red-raspberry-leaf-tea-413950#activity-feed, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Chantal, “Iced Red Raspberry Leaf Tea,” Nutty 4 Nutrition, July 19, 2016;
http://www.nutty4nutrition.com/blog/2016/7/19/iced-red-raspberry-leaf-tea, last accessed October 29, 2018.
Thomas, B., “Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Smoothie,” Scratch Mommy,
https://www.scratchmommy.com/red-raspberry-leaf-why-its-for-all-women-plus-a-smoothie-recipe/, last accessed October 29, 2018.